Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Understanding Child Support with the Help of a Sacramento Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is always a delicate subject, especially when there are children involved. No matter how amicable and well-intentioned the separation may be, striking a parenting balance that is in the best interests of the children and maintains their relationships with both parents should be approached carefully and purposefully. “Best Interests” This is a difficult time for everyone including the kids, even in a friendly divorce. The phrase “best interests of the children” is one you will hear during the process of divorce when it comes to the matter of child custody. Factors that impact this are your children’s age(s) and maturity level(s). Once the issue of child custody is settled the issue of child support will follow next.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Get Sacramento Divorce Help Even in an Uncontested Divorce

Some couples are fortunate enough to go through divorce in the friendliest ways possible. When both parties agree, this makes it an uncontested divorce. Despite the amicable setting, however, it still does not mean that they should no longer seek divorce help in Sacramento from experts. Here are important things that you need to know about an uncontested divorce and what it could mean for your petition. Defining Uncontested In the dictionary sense of the term, “uncontested” means not contested, not having been challenged, or not being disputed. It basically means that whatever was proposed you agreed with.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Knowing The Different Details on How to File for Divorce in Sacramento

In Sacramento County, terminating a marriage or partnership may be done in a number of ways. Sacramento divorce solutions include divorce, dissolution of domestic partnership, legal separation, and nullity. In a divorce case, the marriage is terminated and such matters as child custody, visitation rights, child support, and asset division, are also resolved. Dissolution of partnership is similar to a divorce; however, domestic partnership is defined as two adults who are in a committed relationship provided that one or both of them are at least 62 years of age. Sacramento also provides for legal separation. The only thing that sets legal separation apart from dissolution of domestic partnership as well as divorce is the fact that the spouses remained married to each other albeit are no longer living under the same roof.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Understanding Child Support Laws of Sacramento County in California

When a family unit breaks down and two partners are no longer on the same page, the most affected party is always the children. Children are too young to fend for themselves so certain laws have been put into place in order to ensure their welfare even when mom and dad are at odds with each other. Defining Child Support In simple terms, child support is a continuous scheduled payment made by one parent for the financial needs of his or her child. In most cases, the payment is made to an obligee which could be a guardian, a custodial parent, or the state. In the state of California, for example, the payment for child support, especially if it involves custodial parties, would be made through the State Disbursement Unit. From there, the payment is then made to the concerned parties via direct deposit, electronic payment card, and bank check.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Tips from A Divorce Lawyer: How to Make Your Divorce Case A Success

Unfortunately, not all marriages last a lifetime, as differences between spouses may become irreconcilable. When a marriage is going south, one the options that a couple has is divorce. However, getting a divorce is a life changing event and should only be used as a last resort. Should You Get A Divorce? Before considering divorce, you have to realize that it is just one of the options, not the only option. While you might be thinking that getting out of the marriage will eliminate all the stress that you have been under, that is not always the case.